Internet Speed at a Glance


Undetermined (Javascript)

Five questions marks No solid arrow down One solid arrow down Two solid arrows down Three solid arrows down Four solid arrows down Five solid arrows down


Internet Speed at a Glance is a lightweight speed test which gives you a quick and rough indication of your current internet speed.

Fast enough?

The number of colored arrows indicates what should be possible -with the measured internet speed- without any problems.

  • One arrow (1..2 Mbps) E-mail, browsing and internet radio
  • Two arrows (2..5 Mbps) Basic video, VoIP, and videoconferences
  • Three arrows (5..10 Mbps) Streaming HD video
  • Four arrows (10..20 Mbps) Online gaming
  • Five arrows (>20 Mbps) Multiple users and large downloads

Not fast enough?

If your internet speed is slower than expected, it is often for one of the following reasons:

  1. Your Wi-Fi is not optimal. It's best to test with a wired network to rule out Wi-Fi issues
  2. Large downloads are taking place. It is therefore best to test on an updated system as a sole user

If you want to know your internet speed in detail, it is best to use a speed test adviced by the The Ultimate Speed Test Test. If it turns out that your internet speed is too slow, use the internet speed test recommended by your ISP before complaining about the internet speed offered.

Background information

Internet Speed at a Glance measures your internet speed, or better said gives an indication of your bandwidth, like all other speed tests, in megabits per second (Mbps).

This is a better indicator than the speed of a bit in meters per second. Firstly you don’t know what the distance is the bit has to travel on the internet. Secondly all information at the internet travels almost at the speed of light.

The latency time is the time you have to wait before your request for information is sent to, and adequate handled by, the webserver (and all routers between you and the webserver).

Your latency is currently undetermined.

Want to know more about internet speed in general? Then study The Ultimate Speed Test Test. More information about Internet Speed at a Glance can be found on the About page.


The result of this speed test is based on just one simple test. Only the time necessary for loading this page is measured. So be aware that due to (browser) caching this speed test may suggest you a higher download speed than you have in practice.

This speed test gives you an indication of your download speed. If you want a more accurate indication of your download speed you should use a speed test adviced by the The Ultimate Speed Test Test.

Note that this speed test requires Javascript. When you have an outdated browser or an browser which doesn't support Javascript, the download speed will be "Undetermined".



About: Internet Speed at a Glance ZOMDir by Hans van der Graaf

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